Very well said by our honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, “We need will and not just parliament bill”. The same applies to everyone who thinks that they should pay back to the society. Only good thoughts and prayers don’t help, some actions are needed by everyone. It can be very small steps which can add value or could help someone in need. Agreed that having had that motivation, some people are not getting guidance on how they can proceed with social work or lend a helping hand. Not to worry, we won’t ask you to start donating money or go for weekend work to villages to teach students, if you are doing that, we appreciate but the below things can be done at ease and everyone should start doing these 10 things.
Stop posting every Shit to social media
Do you really need to post everything to social media and let people know what you are doing? We have come across people who post each and everything they do on their daily basis on their facebook and twitter timeline. Thanks to them, we never got to see about the time they spent in the bathroom on their facebook page. You have lost in the virtual world deeply interred that you think everything happens virtually. If you have so much of time to post everything you do on social media, you need a life.
Creation of small water storage pots outside apartment or individual house
You guessed it right!! These pots are suggested for stray animals that also drink water. Can’t we write a letter to our society management for creation of a small water pot outside which can be managed by them? Is that going to cost us an arm and a leg? If you have your own individual house, this becomes far easier to create a pot and put some water in it. Is that really difficult to achieve? Come on!! Think about it.
Start reporting incidents you come across to Police using 100
We tend to ignore many things we come across on our day to day lives and curse authority for the same. Police department is not doing something for us is what we say. What can the authority do if they are not apprised of the incidents going on? Well to be frank, you need not go to the police station to report such incidents. You can keep your name confidential while reporting over the phone. This applies to issues like rash driving, eve teasing, gouge charges on products you are purchasing or any illegal activities you might think could pose a threat. Having said that, if you are still afraid of reporting it directly, you can send it to us via our Twitter or Facebook page with the details and we can post on your behalf. Don’t let the boorish people continue such things by reporting it.
Start giving leftover food to Animals
Please stop throwing your leftover food to the dustbins. Stray animals can have a treat if you feed them with your leftover food. You can simply keep it outside near the street junctions or near by the dustbins and let them have some good food.
Donate clothes that you don’t use
There are many NGO’s who take clothes from your doorstep if you inform them about it. They distribute these clothes during their camps to needy people. If that is still difficult, talk to some people, form a group, collect all clothes and call some NGO from your locality and donate it. Sounds good now? Well that can be done at least. Nevertheless, if this kind of initiative will be taken at every apartment level, think about the volume of clothes we can donate. Putting a box at every apartment and donating them every month would be a great help to the people who really need them.
Start giving a smile to elderly citizens and greet “Hello”
In metropolitan cities, senior citizens even stay alone apart from their children which make them lonely. If you meet any elderly citizen in the neighborhood, pass a smile and wish “Hello”, it is quite sure they won’t ignore it. They feel more confident when youngsters talk to them and greet them. It costs us really nothing but instead this also helps us socialize.
Help someone who is depressed
Depression has become a known issue in this dog-eat-dog world. There can be many reasons for someone to get depressed like job search, job pressure, love issues, marriage issues, financial problems and many more. They need someone to suggest them and talk to them. Not necessarily you need to help financially, just a moral support is enough. Who knows we might also end up in the same situation someday and nobody cares because we ignored them some other day.
Stop ignoring your parents, friends and family
Work pressure, deliverables, responsibilities, appraisal, performance, team work are some of the words we come across every day. Due to which we ignore our parents and family. Don’t be so emotional about your organization because they are not going to look back once you leave the organization. At the end, you need family and friends. There is absolutely no point of working so hard that you don’t give time to your loved ones. If that is the case, you are being fooled by the above mentioned managerial terms only.
A walk daily to stay fit and healthy
Due to work pressure food habits and daily routine is heavily impacted. Have good food and go for a walk after office hours is a good start for daily exercise. Project deliverables, sales target can be achieved if you are fit and healthy. Don’t make a habit of staying late in the office, this sets expectations of the management that every employee will stay late.
Keep your Resume regularly updated
You never know when your HR will call you and say, no need to come from tomorrow. So, better keep your resume updated always. A recent firing in many of the famous Indian companies has kept us think about job security. Better to stay mentally prepared.